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The 10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2020

Despite how excellent many of those games are, they'll have some pretty stiff competition this year. With highly-anticipated titles like Mount & Blade: Bannerlord and Cyberpunk 2077 on the release docket, 2020 is set to be one hell of a year for PC gamers.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Click on image to play gameplay video
  • Release Date: March 2020
  • Genre: RPG, Strategy
  • Buy if you like: Total War series, Mount & Blade games
Cyberpunk is not the only long-awaited title on this list. Though the futuristic RPG was teased 7 years ago, many PC gamers have been impatiently anticipating a true sequel to 2008's medieval sandbox RPG "Mount & Blade" for even longer. Fortunately, that's just what they'll get in soon, as Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord finally nears a release.
But what should you expect from Bannerlord? In short, picture the original Mount & Blade, but better. All of the franchise's core features are here, from its open-ended gameplay or directional combat mechanics to its impressive simulated economy and real-time, tactical army battle system. However, the combat has been sped up to give attacks more "oomph," and unit AI has been improved enough that your troops should hopefully stop all charging up the same darn siege ladder.
Features like Mount & Blade's overworld map, diplomacy, city building, and faction management are also returning, with various improvements to each. For example, there are new buildings to construct in your cities or towns, and diplomacy will have a pseudo-currency that should make it a bit easier to convince Bannerlord's various characters to do your bidding.
If improvements alone aren't enough to grab your attention, Bannerlord will be receiving its fair share of new features, too. There'll be aging, permadeath (due to old age, combat, or execution), and heir mechanics, as well as robust weapon crafting and expanded options for non-traditional playstyles, like banditry or trading.
Frankly, we could talk about Bannerlord all day. Rest assured, if you're a fan of multi-genre games or medieval RPGs, this is one PC-exclusive title you won't want to miss when it launches on Steam Early Access in two months.

Cyberpunk 2077

Click on image to play gameplay video
  • Release Date: September 17, 2020
  • Genre: Cyberpunk RPG
  • Buy if you like: Blade Runner, The Witcher 3, GTA series
Coming from well-known Polish developer of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 aims to take everything that made the medieval fantasy RPG excellent and build upon it with unprecedented levels of player freedom.
Cyberpunk will have a full character creation system, complete with perk, attribute, and skill customization, as well as the choice of three distinct Dragon Age: Origins-like backgrounds, each with its own unique playable prologue.
Cyberpunk 2077 also carries over this notion of player freedom to its moment-to-moment gameplay. Unlike The Witcher 3, in which most encounters were resolved with a simple (but satisfying) hack-and-slash combat system, Cyberpunk lets players approach missions in a variety of ways.
Do you favor big guns, explosions, and pure bravado? Cyberpunk has you covered. What about sneaking, hacking, smooth-talking, or toying with robots... or a combination of everything? All equally valid play styles, CD Projekt Red promises.
And, if you ever tire of making life-or-death gameplay and story decisions, you can always take a break and cruise through Cyberpunk 2077's impressive setting: a sprawling, futuristic and dangerous metropolis known as "Night City."

Wasteland 3

Click on image to play gameplay video
  • Release Date: May 19, 2020
  • Genre: Isometric RPG
  • Buy if you like: Fallout 1 & 2, Wasteland 2, post-apocalyptic worlds
Unlike previous games in this Fallout-like, post-apocalyptic, party-based RPG series, Wasteland 3 is doing away with the stereotypical desert setting. Instead, the game will drop players into the middle of frigid Colorado, a land ravaged by an ongoing nuclear winter.
As your custom character and his or her in-game companions -- the last surviving members of "Team November," a squad of peacekeeping Rangers -- traverse Colorado's hostile landscape in an armored rover, you'll be contending with raiders, mutated creatures, and the very elements to scrape by. The more encounters (combat-oriented or otherwise) you and your allies survive, the more new abilities and equipment they'll gain access to.
And trust us, you'll need every advantage you can get. Wasteland 3 seeks to revitalize Wasteland 2's challenging and notoriously deadly XCom-like strategic combat system with new weapons and features for players (and enemies) to take advantage of, not the least of which is an all-new cooperative gameplay option. That's right. For the first time ever in the Wasteland franchise, you can choose to bring a friend along for the ride as you face down the ever-dangerous Colorado wilds and their inhabitants.
Whether you do so or not, though, inXile promises that its latest project will deliver an emotional, story-driven RPG experience that reacts to your choices. You'll be forced to make tough moral decisions that can doom or save the game's various factions and locations. With all that power in your hands, will you try to help as many people as possible and make the wasteland a better place, or simply watch it burn?

Watch Dogs: Legion

Click on image to play gameplay video
  • Release Date: Late 2020
  • Genre: Open-world action-adventure
  • Buy if you like: Watch Dogs 1 & 2, GTA series, hacking
Modern open-world action-adventure games tend to feel alive on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, you realize that it's all mostly an illusion. The NPCs, though large in number, are typically little more than unremarkable set dressing. However, that might not be the case for much longer -- Ubisoft's upcoming open-world action title Watch Dogs: Legion promises to shake the genre up significantly.
When you first load up Watch Dogs: Legion's dystopian, government-dominated version of London, you'll see the usual hordes of NPCs walking about. The twist is, every single one of those characters, from the cranky old woman feeding the pigeons to the corner DJ, is fully playable. They all have their own personal story, skillset (whether it's stealth, combat, hacking, or something else), background, and set of available perks for you to make use of.
And make use of them you should -- in Legion, you aren't playing as a one-man army. When you're up against the full force of London's fictional totalitarian police state, you're going to need some help, and that's where the "Resistance" comes in." Every character you recruit throughout the game, whether you choose to play as them or not, gets added to the Resistance's ranks, and once your pool of characters gets large enough, you might just be able to overthrow London's oppressors.
Be careful, though. Watch Dogs: Legion introduces permadeath to the franchise, which means even your favorite characters can be killed off for good if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, you can reduce your chances of failure by bringing up to three real-life buddies with you on your adventures. Whether you have friends willing to tag along or not, you can join the Resistance for yourself later this year when Watch Dogs: Legion finally arrives.

Crusader Kings 3

Click on image to play gameplay video
  • Release Date: TBA 2020
  • Genre: Grand strategy
  • Buy if you like: Political intrigue, Game of Thrones, Crusader Kings 2
The grand strategy genre is one of the oldest in the PC gaming industry, and the games within it aren't dying off any time soon. At least, not if Crusader Kings 3 has anything to say about it. As the latest entry in the long-running medieval strategy series of the same name, Crusader Kings 3 will bring moderate upgrades and changes to the franchise without sacrificing too much of its core DNA.
That means you'll still be able to play as famous rulers from European history, execute political masterstrokes to get ahead, brutally assassinate your (in-game, we hope) kids, and marry off your relatives to each other to keep the bloodlines "pure." In other words, Crusader Kings 3, like 1 and 2, will give you a way to live out your wildest Game of Thrones fantasies shamelessly.
This time around, though, you'll be doing so with some much prettier eye candy to look at. Instead of static 2D portraits, every character in the game now has his or her own, fully-animated 3D model, and the game's textures and user interface have been modernized quite a bit. All in all, the game should be more accessible than ever, without compromising in the realm of complexity.
Aesthetics aside, Crusader Kings 3 is a veritable treasure trove of fresh content and changes. For example, the reworked Lifestyle system lets you customize your ruler with one of five different life focuses: Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning. Each focus helps to shape your character's personality while unlocking new active abilities, bonuses, and roleplaying events for them to partake in.
If you're the sort of gamer who enjoys (literally or figuratively) backstabbing your closest allies and slowly watching your empire grow over time, Crusader Kings 3 will be a must-play when it hits the market this year.

How to Download and Play PS2 Games on PC

Scores of childhood (and adult) gaming memories were made thanks to the PlayStation 2.  In fact, many still have their trusty consoles and return to them for the beauty of nostalgia on a daily! The PS2 is the best-selling console of all time, with 157 million units sold — 50% more than the second best.
So, it’s possible that you have some favorite games from the PS2 era.
What if we told you that there is a simple way to download and play PS2 games on PC – want to know how?
Yes, that’s right, you can download and play PS2 games on PC without hassle thanks to easy-to-use emulator software.
This latest post in a series of FileHippo How To Articles will explain just how you can do this.
We will be looking at one emulator in particular; PCSX2. It’s one of our favorite solutions for a number of reasons. For example, compatibility rates make over 80% of all PS2 games as playable. If you own a reasonably powerful computer then PCSX2 is a great emulator.
The application also provides support for lower end computers as well, so all owners of PlayStation 2 consoles will be able to see games working on their PC!
In this article we will explain some of the benefits to playing PS2 games on PC, and tell you a little bit more about how emulators work (and how you can get your hands on PCSX2 for free!).
So, without further ado, let’s discover how to download and play PS2 games on PC!

What does an emulator do?

An emulator is a piece of software that allows you to replicate the functions of another system on your computer. There are many types of emulator that imitate different operating systems, hardware, software, and CPU. 
The type of emulator we are focusing on here are PS2 emulators for Windows PC.
Essentially, they replicate the PlayStation 2 console on your computer, which means you can play PS2 games on your PC.
With a good emulator, you eliminate the need for having a physical PS2 console. You’ll be able to play games straight from the disc or as an ISO image from your computer’s hard drive. 

Why should you play PS2 games on PC?

Essentially, there are lots of advantages. Gamers are now using this method, rather than dusting off their PS2 consoles, more and more these days.
Firstly, you can enjoy custom resolutions (up to 4096×4096), anti-aliasing and texture filtering. This will could make your old PS2 games rival their HD remakes!
You can also use any controller that works on Windows with keyboards and mice. Unlimited memory cards will also be a big plus, how we all could have done with them in the past!
Certain emulators can also allow you to increase and decrease game speeds. This is done by using a built-in-frame-limiter. You will also be able to quick save and load practically anywhere in your game.
Moreover, gamers are particularly drawn to emulators for a key reason: the recording abilities. Many gamers are using PS2 emulators to record and stream gameplay of classic games without hassle.
If you use a good emulator, there’s also the ability to record in full HD, and one reason we love PCSX2 is the built-in video recorder that can be used in just one click. 

How to emulate PS2 games on PC using PCSX2

We’re going to talk you through how to use PCSX2. It is a free emulator and one of the most popular out there. 
PCSX2 creators say that there are just six steps to using and getting the most out of the program.
The first step, of course, is to download the version best suited for you. For beginners, the full installer of the latest stable release is recommended. Further information to guide you can be found at its FileHippo program page, or the official website.
Secondly, you must get the BIOS file from your PlayStation 2 console. PCSX2 creators say this is not included with their program due to Sony copyright laws. So, you have to get this from your console. Don’t worry, you can visit their tools section for more information on how to do this.
Once you’ve got the BIOS file sorted you can install PCSX2, then the next stage is to configure it. A detailed description of every configuration option can be found in the PCSX2 full guide. Beginners can also check out the Quick Start Configuration Guide and PCSX2’s Configuration Guide Video.
After all that, the fun begins! You can then insert your PS2 game CD in your DVD rom compartment. The PCSX2 team say you can either run it directly from the disc or create an ISO image of your disc with a programme like IMGburn for faster reads. After that, you can just enjoy the experience!

Final thoughts

So, there you have it, that’s how you download and play PS2 games on your PC. We think this is one of the most straightforward methods out there, and it’s free too!
Playing PS2 games on your PC can help you relive those amazing gaming moments, but in HD with more memory and with your choice of controller.
PCSX2 is a great way to help you achieve this too, we hope you agree. The creators themselves admit it is “not the simplest program out there” but they do make efforts to present it as user friendly as possible.
You will have to look at its compatibility list before attempting to run your game. If there is no support in place you may have to wait for a fix or try another game. The PCSX2 Forum is always available for further advice though.
Interested in finding out about other gaming opportunities available on your Windows PC? Be sure to check out our Gaming Software Page here at FileHippo.com!

Is This The Best Video Editing Software for Windows?

MAGIX Vegas Pro

There’s a video editor to suit everyone at FileHippo.

Following on from our recent article about Great Video Editing Software For Mac To Download Today, we thought it best to craft a companion piece for all you users of Microsoft’s own operating system behemoth out there. There are probably one or two of you using Windows right now, so this one’s for you.
While Apple’s products have long held the reputation of being the operating system of choice for those involved in creative industries or hobbies, Microsoft has been playing catch up in recent years. Much of the advertising around the Microsoft Surface product has been focussed on its power to facilitate creativity and, while this author has unfortunately not been privy to the relevant board meetings, one can only assume this choice of artistic direction is a direct challenge to Apple’s dominance in this field.
So, if Microsoft is looking for Windows to be taken seriously as a platform for creative endeavours, it would seem to be a good idea to look at some of the best video editing software available on the platform right now.
Here are four of our favourite video editors for Windows in no particular order.
You can import HD media from multiple devices and add over 300 filters and other special effects with a few clicks. Specialist tools allow you to add subtitles and other text information easily, and let you optimise image quality.
The software comes with a huge selection of sound effects to add to your films, and multiple mixing and balance tools give you total control over the audio.
While Magix Vegas Pro has been designed with professionals in mind, it comes complete with a comprehensive suite of interactive help guides, all provided by an active and engaged community.
Magix Vegas Pro is available as a one-off purchase, or you can choose between a 3 and 12 month subscription with Vegas Pro 365. Also in the Vegas family are Vegas Pro Edit and Vegas Pro 15 suite, so you can choose the right software for you.

Pinnacle Studio

Pinnacle Studio – Easy to use and incredible value for money
Pinnacle Studio allows you to get your project off the ground in style with a range of themed templates on which to build your video. From there you can edit footage easily on the multi-track timeline, and add over 1,500 filters, effects, and titles. Multi-camera editing and split screen functionality give you even more options to play with.
You can highlight single colours and fade everything else to black and white, to give your movie that Schindler’s List feeling (although perhaps with less genocide), which is sure to make your film even more eye-catching.
With Pinnacle Studio you can also control your camera settings, see overlay frames, set distances, and capture frames automatically. Automatic audio syncing makes sound editing a matter of simplicity as well.

Movavi Video Editor

Movavi Video Editor – budget-friendly video editing for all users
Designed from the ground up to be an easy to use but professional quality video editor, Movavi Video Editor comes with a host of powerful features.
You can use footage captured from almost any source, including webcam footage, and edit it into professional looking clips. The automatic Magic Enhance feature allows even amateurs to improve the quality of their video with a few clicks, while more confident users can tinker with brightness, contrast, sharpness and other visual settings to their heart’s content.
Movavi also comes with a ton of Hollywood style special effects, including a Matrix style slow down option. To finish off, the software comes with built-in social sharing tools, allowing you to easily upload your finished masterpiece to YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.

Corel VideoStudio Pro

Corel VideoStudio Pro – professional video editing for a happy price
From the ubiquitous Coral Corporation comes Coral VideoStudio Pro. Available in 32 or 64-bit versions, this great piece of software has a very simple interface designed to be friendly to all users, regardless of video editing skill or experience.
Aside from all the video editing options you’d want from a commercial level package, Coral VideoStudio Pro gives you far faster render times for 4k and HD multi-track videos than you would normally expect.
The innovative FastFlick feature lets you create professional looking demonstrations and tutorials, using a host of templates and screen capturing features. Ideal for those business people looking to make how-to videos and seminars for their marketing campaigns or product launches.

Final Thoughts

There you have four of our favourite pieces of video editing software which are all available to download from FileHippo right now for free. Try them out for yourselves and see which one takes your fancy, and then decide if you want to upgrade to the full package. Whether you’re an amateur or professional video maker, we’re confident you’ll find one of these to your tastes.
In the meantime, keep tuned to FileHippo for loads more great vetted and free software, as well as all the latest news and views from the world of IT and technology.

The Best Image Manager Software for Windows

It’s never been so easy to take a photo. So, it’s no surprise that most of us will have more images than we know what to do with! Don’t worry; where there’s software, there’s a solution.

This article will examine the best image manager software for Windows. We will explain what this software does and why you need it, while also looking at some of the top products out there.
You will learn why it’s no surprise that individuals, and even big companies, have turned attention to image manager software. Big names like ACDSee Photo StudioMediaShow 6MAGIX Photo Studio and Adobe Bridge CC will also be used as key examples.
Hey, maybe you’ll be personally tempted to press ‘Download’ straight after you finish reading! After all, with the explosion of digital photography and smartphones, downloading the latest photo manager software is simply a must these days.
Essentially, this type of software will help you manage your image library. Some of the most advanced products will also include a photo or image converter. Handy features like this are designed to make it even easier to take control of your digital backlog.
Impressively, image manager software can go much further. Not only can you organise, view and distribute your content, most platforms will also guide you on how best to do so. Some can even help protect your images with privacy, watermark or even copyright options.

Why do you need Image Manager Software?

As mentioned, if you have thousands of images it’s almost impossible to keep them tidy and close to hand without this software. If you’re a big company, image management can also be used to make sure all the team can share and add to the pile.
Overall, the flexibility you can enjoy with image manager software is priceless. Archiving, backups, time-saving, workflow automation and centralising images will never feel so easy.
You can also secure the sharing and distribution of images, seamlessly manage image requests, track usage and manage rights effortlessly.

What Image Manager Software is best for you?

At FileHippo.com we’ve got a variety of image managers here ready for download. All have a range of great features.
If you’re looking to recover lost, deleted or formatted digital images, then we’d recommend Stellar Phoenix Photo Recover. Whereas, VisiPics would be our suggestion if you wanted to find all your duplicated imagery.
However, we’re going to focus on four pieces of photo manager software for Windows in particular. These are ACDSee Photo Studio StandardMAGIX Photo ManagerMedia Show 6 and Adobe Bridge CC – all of which come with high praise and esteemed reputations.

ACDSee Photo Studio Standard

This photo manager, one of the most powerful of its kind, is your best route to efficiency. In fact, no other photo software saves you so much time.
With ACDSee Photo Studio Standard you can also instantly share your pictures online or on your mobile. Quality prints can also be created, as well as PDF or Flash slideshows.
Key features include:
  • Find, organise and edit photos
  • Fast and straightforward usability
  • Photo slideshow creation
  • Supports 50+ popular photo and multimedia formats
  • Image and video editing
  • Photo management and tagging
  • Ability to share files through social media
ACDSee’s super-fast navigation pane lets you browse and view your picture collections right away.
So, save time and select photo files by criteria, compare multiple images side-by-side or even view all images at once – the features are endless.

CyberLink’s MediaShow 6

As you would expect, this program takes care of all your video and photo management wants. But it also goes so much further.
CyberLink’s creation offers a variety of pluses and strives to be a one-stop-shop. It also allows photo files from phones, digital cameras and other sources to be imported.
Key features include:
  • Impressive usability
  • Photo slideshow creation
  • Great support for 3D content
  • Image and video editing
  • Photo management and tagging
  • Ability to share files through social media
With MediaShow6 you can browse your files according to a wide choice of categories. These range from different albums, dates, faces or even ratings. Transform your shots into masterpieces too thanks to smart editing features.
What’s more? Strong social media links mean that you can also show off your images and videos on the likes of Facebook and YouTube respectively.
The bottom line on this one is that it provides the complete package, suitable for anyone looking to edit and share visual content.

MAGIX Photo Manager Deluxe

This option is a top choice for organising and rediscovering your favourite snaps. It’s practical, stylish and can allow you to effortlessly sort through both video and photo content.
MAGIX Photo Manager Deluxe efficiently masters the basics, but also goes further to optimise your footage and time. As its creators say, it sets out to “breathe new life into your most beautiful moments”.
Key features include:
  • Edit and organise your photos and videos
  • Cloud import
  • Wide range of formats
  • Increase quality of panoramic views with one click
  • Save disk space and time
  • Intelligent selection
MAGIX also allows you to backup copies, which can then be burned onto CD or DVD. Should you need to recover accidentally deleted files in just a few clicks, a full system restore is also available.
This is very much an exciting buy. The basics are expertly delivered, alongside new fresh features. These include Travel Route Animation, where you can visualise your route and images on online maps of the world, and MAGIX Slideshow Maker 2. Don’t worry, online tutorials will help you master them.
Your privacy is also important to MAGIX, which is why password protection is provided. Overall, this is very much the complete package. So, organise and sharpen your previous files, before being creative and brining them back to life.

Adobe Bridge CC

Adobe Bridge CC Image Manager
This all-in-one management tool for multimedia files can help you accomplish many diverse objectives. Essentially, Adobe Bridge CC supports the organisation of your many photos, videos and songs scattered around your PC.
Basic editing features are also included, a welcome relief to those looking to revamp their content. Even if you have no experience of image manager software, Adobe Bridge’s interface will guide you through with ease.
Key features include:
  • Integrates with other Adobe products
  • Bulk import, export and preview CC libraries assets
  • Highly customisable
  • Edit photo capture time
  • Drag-and-drop file flexibility
  • Support for CEP HTML5
  • Cache management
  • Import photos and videos from mobile devices
Once-lost files can be found and organised in a wealth of ways thanks to this handy program. You can even add ratings, labels and tags to make sure they can be found in the most straightforward way. A priceless feature if you have thousands of files.
Batch commands are also a brilliant addition to this program’s armoury. Not only can you save time, it will also help you better organise and redistribute all of your content with more precision.
Overall, Adobe Bridge is a powerful and accomplished solution. It integrates well with other Adobe products and focusses on saving time and cutting out frustration, while also delivering an expert service.

Final Thoughts

So, there’s four of our favourite image manager software to at least get you thinking!
Hopefully this article has helped you understand what this type of program is all about. We also hope you can now appreciate why it is so vital for companies and individuals with LOTS of content.
Don’t just stop here though, there is a whole heap of image manager software on FileHippo just waiting to be discovered!

The Best Free Games to Play on PC

Fortnite Battle Royale

In the digital world we often see all manners of trends and fads. Yet, the popularity of online gaming shows no sign of disappearing. In fact, it’s constantly on the rise!

However, gaming can often be expensive. This is why we at FileHippo have decided to look at the best free games to play on PC. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) and Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games are on our radar this week.
These games are perfect if you’re into strategy and battle on a grand scale. Some of the games we’re going to look at in this article boast millions of followers. We hope that our suggestions will provide something for everyone.

FileHippo’s Best Free Games to Play on PC

Our list is in no way ranked or ordered. It contains a diverse mix of gaming opportunities. Whether you’re into fantasy or mid-20th century combat, you should find something here to suit your gaming desires!
Because we’re focussing on several games in this article, we’re not going to go into too much detail here. Fear not though, more information will be available on each game’s download and description page – linked under each title.
So, without further ado – here are ten popular games that Windows PC users can enjoy for free today.
Fortnite Battle Royale is one of the most widely played games out there right now. This 100-player, free-for-all shooter is a hit with both young and old.
With this light-hearted take on a classic game style you can enjoy novel weapons and fun characters. Fortnite’s active E-Sports community delight in building strongholds and forts. Staircases must also be built to infiltrate enemy bases.
So, if you’re looking for a game with a very large player base and extensive map, Fortnite is a great shout. The rules are simple; the last one standing wins.

Planetside 2 

This massively multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) is based around open-world territory and published by Sony Online Entertainment. It can feature large battles of up to 2,000 players per continent.
The Terran Republic, the New Conglomerate and the Vanu Sovereignty make up the three contesting factions. Planetside 2 also provides six distinct classes, with unique abilities and equipment.
Overall, there are few games that can match the scale of the battles enjoyed with Planetside 2. Like most of the games on this list, it is free to play but supported by in-game purchases. Users particularly enjoy the potential for battles with hundreds of other players, on land and in the air.

League of Legends

Also a prominent MMO, League of Legends sees two teams battle for control of each other’s base. Essentially, it is based around 3v3 or 5v5 player teams and offers many different game modes.
League of Legends is a hugely popular game pulling in around 40 million monthly players. The game’s community presence is just as strong, with constant leagues and E-Sports events held.
The game is constantly being updated. As of August 2018, there were 141 Champions that can be unlocked and played. Riot Games has worked hard to make this game accessible to beginners with easy to learn, yet hard to master, mechanics.
Overall, League of Legends is a very popular game with a massive player base and has topped its genre for years.

Path of Exile

Created by Grinding Gear Games, Path of Exile is set in the world of Wraeclast. The creators use algorithms to procedurally generate random areas and dungeons. This means there are a massive amount of variations when it comes to play experiences.
Path of Exile is regularly updated with extra content for players. Game expansions have also been regularly released, up to now there have been more than seven expansions.
Essentially, this game boasts a large online community, decent graphics and unlimited character customisation. The developer is also committed to the ‘Never Pay-to-Win’ mantra.
So, with Path of Exile you will be enjoying a deep and vast gaming experience with a large community and growing player base.

World of Tanks

Another MOBA, World of Tanks features its battles based around mid-20th century combat vehicles. This incredibly popular game allows you to join tankers from all over the world, fighting for victory in epic tank encounters.
As a new player you can find a bunch of helpful introductions and how-to guides from the community on the World of Tanks website.
Like League of Legends, World of Tanks has a very large player base and community following. Frequent tournaments are hosted by the game’s creators, who regularly update the game.
You can enjoy a bunch of achievements, awarded to players for exceptional performance in battle. This fun game comes with deep gameplay and great graphics, something scarcely expected from a -free-to-play offering.

Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the storm free online gaming PC
Heroes of the Storm gives Windows users the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique Blizzard universe. Along the journey you will get a chance to meet characters from games including Diablo, Starcraft and World of Warcraft.
Over 35 characters, all from a host of the best video games out there, appear and are separated into four classes – assassins, support, specialists and warriors. In fights, usually no longer than 15 minutes, several players dual in teams – all searching for victory which will give them more prestige.
Towns, both ‘allied’ and ‘mercenary’, can support teams and lend their swords to players respectively. The different settings will mean that events can be shaped by your choices, lending a completely diverse outcome based on different player’s preferences.
Overall, Heroes of the Storm provides an avenue of escapism and gaming enjoyability for diverse MMO fans. With a wealth of characters, weapons and game modes, you get a new experience every time you play, as well as the opportunity to interact with other like-minded gamers.


Set within the fantasy world of Telara, Rift – developed by Trion Worlds – attracts millions of players from across the world. If you’re into role-play, diverse game settings and escapism – this is a great shout.
At the start of the game each player must choose between four classes – cleric, mage, rogue or warrior. All can evolve as the player progresses through the ‘tree of souls’. Along the way you can also pick up more elements to personalise your character.
You will carry out a range of missions, defeating many enemies in your path. This can be done solo or with friends, you will also find battles between platers – the most effective way of gaining experience.
Overall, Rift provides a memorable gaming experience. Even though it is constantly being updated it retains its original charm and straightforward gameplay. With a far-reaching fantasy map and so many players each gaming experience will feel different.


RuneScape is considered one of the most popular and in-demand virtual worlds out there. It is set in a fantasy terrain and has millions of players worldwide. Now it’s available for a Windows download and is updated twice a month, with fresh quests, challenges and content.
RuneScape’s creators promise that, whatever the gamers’ interests, their game offers something to suit everyone. Characters can get involved with fishing, crafting, cooking and farming as well as a wealth of other missions. Build and maintain your own house in this Tolkienesque setting.
Even today, RuneScape remains one of the most accessed and favoured virtual worlds. Gamers, usually between the ages of 11 and 18, can explore towns, dungeons, forests and intriguing building across a variety of landscapes and seascapes. With such a wide and open map, gameplay should never get old.
RuneScape’s reputation speaks for itself. With the brand having more than 200 million accounts set-up, it offers special memories for gamers of the past, present and future.
According to its loyal audience, that’s the main appeal of RuneScape; the escapism from the material world. Here gamers can create characters and personalities that they wouldn’t normally identify with.


Created by Roblox Corporation, Roblox is a massively multiplayer online and game creation platform. In fact, it currently has over 15 million games created by its users and provides cross-platform play between PC, tablets, mobile and Xbox One.
Roblox players can buy, sell, and create virtual items through their online marketplace. Don’t worry, it comes with extensive parental controls aimed at keeping children safe online whilst playing the game.
There is a selection of chat options (no chat, chat with friends, chat with everyone), account age visibility (13+ or <13), an account PIN code feature, and an Account Restrictions setting that only allows children under 13 to access a curated list of age-appropriate games.
Essentially, Roblox is a fun, child-friendly game that also has educational aspects. It has a large active player base and vast community development projects. So, there is always something new to try out.

Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall 

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall continues to be played by thousands and is still being updated regularly. The second instalment in the renowned role-playing saga is set in an open world and is a single-player action game.
Bethesda Softworks, the company behind the game, made sure that you will never be able to truly complete the game, as much of it is randomly generated. You don’t really need to play in quest or mission mode, you can just carry on at your own pace.
This edition of The Elder Scrolls is set in the Iliac Bay, where the protagonist – you – is sent by the Emperor at a personal request. You will have two objectives – firstly you must free a ghost from his earthly shackles and secondly you must work out what happened to a certain letter – but there’s lots more to do along the way.
The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall, like the rest of the saga, continues to offer gamers freedom and enjoyment. With the downloadable game now over a decade old, it is still well played, offering a completely immersive space with countless areas to visit.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it. Here’s ten captivating and impressive games you can start playing right now, all for free!
Of course, there are many more free gaming opportunities out there. If you enjoyed this article, let us know! That way we can shape our content to suit you and take another look at writing new gaming content.
In the meantime, be sure to check out FileHippo’s extensive range of games you can download for free today.
Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!